We encourage you to contact us if you would like more information or are interested in becoming a part of our network. For this support group to function effectively, I will need contact information. This information is to, and will, remain within the membership. Please provide the following: Name Address Email Address Additional if desired: Family Members Children's Ages by Birthdate/Grade Levels Send EMAIL TO : N.I.C.H.E. (In the subject line) photo6keiki@sc.rr.com Initially, as this is a new group, information concerning events will be sent via telephone or personal email. An additional service of N.I.C.H.E. is a private email group to help facilitate communication between members. When N.I.C.H.E. becomes a sizeable group,this could then be the main method of communication. To be a member of this private, unlisted egroup, I must send you an email "invitation". If interested in this Yahoo! sponsored egroup, please send an email to the address above. To Contact by Email, Click Here |